– Map of Former Yugoslavia –
– Localization of IFOR forces on the ground –
- Yellow: patrol area under Portuguese protection
- Flags: areas under control of French, US, and UK divisions.
- Pink: Bosnian Federation territory
- Green: Bosnian Serbs territory
– The Portuguese Forces on the ground –
The force is assigned to the Multinational Brigade Sarajevo North ( MNB SN ) Italian command – who is part of the Multinational Division South-East ( MND SE ) under French command.
Portuguese Forces were deployed between January 5 and January 29, 1996 with military and civilian aircrafts from Portugal to Split.
Heavy loads- 200 vehicles and 128 containers – were deployed by sea from Portugal to Ploce
The Transit bases of Mostar and Ploce were used by portuguese personnel before they were deployed to their sector.
– Portuguese Forces in BiH are the following:
2nd Airborne Battalion ( 2AbBn PO ): 750 personnel, under the command of LtCol Moço Ferreira, is based:
The 2nd BIAT
Airborne Battalion
Rogatica: HQ and Logistic Support Coy.
Praca: 21st Airborne Infantry Coy.
Vitkovici: ( Gorazde ): 22nd Airborne Infantry Coy.
Ustipraca: 23rd Airborne Infantry Coy.
The Combat Support Coy has the Mortars platoon at Vitkovici, Recce platoon at Ustipraca and Anti-Tank platoon at Vitkovici and Ustipraca. The 2AbBn has also an Liaison Officer at Gorazde.
- National Support Element ( NSE / PO ): 120 personnel, under the command of Major José Barbosa, is based at Sarajevo ( Tito Barracks ).
- Liaison Detachment ( LD / PO ): 10 personnel with the HQ of MNB SN at Sarajevo ( Zetra ).
- Senior National Representative ( SNR / PO ) is General Mariz Fernandes, National Military Representative of Portugal in SHAPE.
Localization of Portuguese Forces
Camp Bases
Vogosca ( DestApvc )
( NSE / PO ) 1
Kukavice 2
(1) DestApSvc ( NSE / PO ) was on first times located at Vogosca, and later moved to Sarajevo
(2) the 21st Company based in Kukavice moved to Praca.
– Logistics –
– Weapons –
The main weapons used in the BiH by portuguese paras are the following:
“Galil ” Israeli 5,56mm automatic rifle: ” MG3 ” 7,62mm and ” Brownning ” 12,7mm machine guns : ” Carl Gustav ” M2 CRS, German anti-tank missile; “LAW” 66mm; ” Milan ” ATGM, French anti-tank Missile ; ” Santa Barbara ” AGL 40mm; ” Long Range ” 60mm and ” Royal Ordenance ” 81mm mortars
– Transportation –
The main vehicles used by portuguese paras are the following:
UMM ” Alter ” 4X4; ” Iveco ” 40/10, 90/17 and 110/17 and APC ” Chaimite “
– Air Transport –